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Interactive exercices, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games. Le prochain colloque WIMS aura lieu à Dunkerque les 11, 12 et 13 juin 2014.
Interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games. Geometric constructions by ruler and compass.
Un projet IDEA autour de WIMS. Une fois que vous êtes inscrit. Voir tous les nouveaux modules. Outils de calcul en ligne.
Su questo server è disponibile una versione di Wims nelle tre lingue italiano. Questo server è ospitato dal Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni.
銆 銆 娆 繋鏉ュ埌鎴戜滑鐨? 鎮ㄥ彧瑕佺敤榧犳爣鐐瑰嚮鏍囬 宸 彸涓ゆ柟鐨勫浘鏍囦箣涓 , 灏卞彲浠ヨ繘鍏? WIMS 绯荤粺. 浠ュ悗鍙 浣跨敤杩欎釜鍦板潃灏卞彲浠ヤ粠娴忚 鍣ㄧ洿鎺ヨ繘鍏? 鏈 湇鍔 珯灏嗗仠鐣欏湪 3. 64 鐗堜笉鍐嶅崌绾? 濡傛 浜嗚В WIMS 鐨勬渶鏂扮増鏈? 鍙 幓 娉曞浗宸撮粠鍗楀ぇ瀛 殑WIMS缃戠珯. 涓轰簡甯 姪鑰佸笀鎴栧悓瀛 湪鏁欏 涓 娇鐢? WIMS, 鍙 鐐瑰嚮浠ヤ笅閾炬帴, 灏卞彲浠ョ洿鎺ヨ繘鍏ユ湁鍏崇粌涔? 鏈夊叧澶у 寰 Н鍒嗙殑鍐呭 ;. 銆 銆 濡傛灉鎯冲湪鑷 繁鐨勮 绠楁満涓婂缓绔嬩竴涓? .
Interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games. Geometric constructions by ruler and compass.
Interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games. Recover a jigsaw puzzle by shifting rows or columns.
The 64GB bug that causes hang at configuration table can be also fixed. Fixed and tested BIOSes will be on this page. 1564265 visitors since June 2002. Use them at your own risk.